History of right to property in india

 History of right to property india:

In 1967, when the government forcibly took over the land, 'right to private property was still a fundamental right' under 31 of the Constitution. Right ton Propety ceased to be a fundamental right with the 44th Constitution Amendment in 1978. It was made a Constitution right under Article 300A. Article 300A requires the state to follow due prosedure and authority of law to deprive a person of his or her private property.

What was right to property in India?

By 44th Amendment Act 1978 of the Constitution of India, a new article namely 300A was inserted and titled as Right to Property. It read as: No person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law. The word law here means a validly enacted law which is just, fair and reasonable. 

When was right to property introduced?

Janyary, 1950 

After the Indian Independence, when the Constitution of India came into force on 26th January, 1950, the right to property was include as a 'fundamental right' under Article 19(1)(f) and Article 31 in Part III, making it an enforceable right.


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