Annual Value Pf House Property

Annual Value Of House Property:

The annual value of a property is the sum for which a property is reasonably expected to be let from year to year. Hence, the annual calue of a property is the amount of national rent which could have been derived, had the property benn let.

How do you calculate annual value of house property?

 Computation of 'Annual Value' of a House Property [Section 23 (1)] As per section 23(1)(a) the Annual Value of any property shall be the sum for which the property might reasonably be expected to be let from year to year. It may neither be the actual rent derived nor the municipal valuation of the property.

Is annual value of a home property every year remain the same?

As per Section 23(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act, Annual Value of a home is the sum for which the property might reasonably be expected to be let out from year to year. So, is the notional rent which could be got if the property were to be rented.


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