Personal home converted to rental property

Personal home converted to rental property:

Once you've lived in the house for the required time frame for your mortgage, you can begin turning your primary residence into a rental property. Although you might be eager to own rental property, owning a primary residence and converting it later has its advantages. 

What is the basis when converting home to rental?

The property's basis usually equals the original purchase price plus the cost of improvements minus any depreciation. This includes depreciation claimed 1) from having a deductible home office while you lived there, and 2) after you convert the property into a rental.

Can your primary residence be a rental?
The Six Year Rule ultimately allows you to use your property investment, as if it was your main residence for up to six years, while you rent it out. It also allows you to sell your home within the six-year period and be exempt from CGT, similar to if it was your main residence.


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